The Trisbee allows you to accept card payments by scanning a QR code. You don't need an app, just a mobile phone and a credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

All you need is a phone with a mobile connection and Apple Pay, Google Pay or a credit card.

  1. Scan the QR code with your mobile camera

  2. Enter the amount

  3. Choose a payment method (Apple Pay, Google Pay or card payment)

  4. Confirm and you will see a green screen that the payment has been made

The Trisbee is a better solution for many businesses because the QR code you pay with can be taken to markets, festivals or carried in the store without having to worry about charging and other things associated with running a standard terminal.

Plus, with Trisbee, there are no percentage fees on each payment. The Trisbee is free for the smallest businesses and for the slightly larger ones it's only €19 a month with no additional fees.

With Trisbee, you can pay with lightning speed via Apple Pay or Google Pay.

And if you want even faster, you can save your card in your Trisbee profile - just sign up here.

None of this is required for payment.

But if you like Trisbee, you can download the app download it and save your card - it'll make paying even faster and more convenient. You can find the registration and the app here.

Make sure you scan the QR code with your camera app, QR reader or via www.trisbee.app .

Sometimes it happens that someone accidentally scans the QR code with a banking app - and then it doesn't work.

After payment, you will see a green screen and the merchant will receive a text message (or email notification) that everything is OK.

Don't despair!

If you see a red screen, you will also see an error message with instructions on how to how to proceed. This is usually resolved right away.

The name of the store, merchant or branch is always visible at the top of the screen, when you enter an amount. Similarly, the name will also appear on the last green screen, which confirms a successful payment.